Meeting Agenda Due to current shelter-in-place health precautions, a simple agenda for this digital meeting is offered to cover only the required 2020 business of AAUW-MS:Welcome and Check-In—Please provide a one-sentence response: Who are you and why do you show up for equity to join AAUW?All minutes from 2019 have been approved and can be provided upon request. Financial report Presentation of 2019-2020 financial report Nominating Committee report and election of officers Membership report and recommendations President’s report and recommendations Branch reports:
and other announcementsA quorum at a state meeting is reached if a majority of the branches are represented. We have 8 branches, 5 branches need representatives present. |
All members in good standing in attendance will be able to vote. In this virtual meeting, we will depend on the branch presidents (or their representatives) and state officers to help with the credentials.